【JUKSY x Polysh】不時尚毋寧死,不自由毋寧死!CHANEL 2015 春夏大遊行
Device Interface — PyCUDA 2014.1 documentation【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 昨晚的這場秀真的是又驚又喜,心裡頭那種有煙火在施放的感覺好難形容,不過我可以跟大家分享看完秀的當下與我姊妹的對談;"我想,如果哪天卡爾爺爺過世,我會痛哭喔~","你也太誇張!"螢幕另一端傳來我那個字典裡沒有時尚的妹妹答覆。 嗯,或許是真的有點Requires CUDA 4.1 and Python 2.6. Objects of this type can be used in the same ways as a DeviceAllocation. close() class pycuda.driver.PointerHolderBase A base class that facilitates casting to pointers within PyCUDA. This allows the user to construct ......