國外超惡劣整人 如果男生的蛋蛋長在臉上...
How Japan's Line App Became A Culture-Changing, Revenue-Generating Phenomenon | Fast Company | Busin 國外整人影片真是越搞越大,一名男性想到一個超低級的梗,在 Youtube 上創下 70 幾萬的瀏覽人次。這個梗相當簡單,就是在下巴使用特殊化妝,讓兩顆蛋蛋垂墜在下巴之下,讓經過的路人嚇破膽,或是藉由拍照等理由看看路人的反應,有女性事後得知是整人,還伸手去摸...低級梗真的是百玩不膩。 ▼這樣走在路This new store, called Line Friends, is different, to put it mildly. For one thing, it’s not owned by a retailer but by a social media company called Line, which in less than four years has become Japan’s hottest phenomenon by offering an app that provide...