
Rugby World Cup - Official Site 2013年夏天,吳克羣Kenji Wu創立個人潮流品牌DEBRAND,與數位知名當代藝術家跨領域合作,融合潮流與藝術的概念,創造具自我風格潮流趨勢。 DEBRAND具有非品牌概念,傳達自我價值的主宰就是自己,沒有人可以幫其他人貼標籤,因為自己的品牌要由自己創造,透過這樣的理念提醒時下年輕International Rugby Board's official Rugby World Cup website. Includes schedules, competition information, ticketing, souvenir merchandise, and news for the upcoming Rugby World Cup....


FIFA World Cup - Official Site Google Glass產品已經預告許久,也經過多次行銷!大家雖然對於這項產品相當期待,而且也非常有興趣,但是因為外型實在很難結合生活穿搭,所以讓接受度仍然低迷!現在Google打算與國際眼鏡集團Luxottica合作,該工廠代工生產Oakley、Ray-Ban、Vogue-Eyewear、PerEl Salvador win on aggregate after regular time (6 - 3)...


Cambridge University Press - Official Site Hiroshi Fujiwara 藤原浩先生,建立整個日本潮流文化已功成身退許久!沉默好一段時間。近日忽然大陣仗準備開設全新零售店,準備叫做「POOL Aoyama」的店鋪!該企劃名稱主要以自己在J-WAVE電台主持的一檔節目「JUN SOUND POOL」作為靈感,此番企劃所開設的新店鋪,將販賣Includes general information about the company and detailed blurbs for CUP books. Online ordering possible....


Columbia University Press - Official Site 這部短片實在是可以加入「我的最愛」保存一下,常看見的Nike品牌發音竟然不是我們台灣的唸法,還有更多非常難唸的歐美品牌,讓i-D Magazine一次交大家唸會!這部名為《AZ of Pronunciation》的短片,每一個字母都請來品牌設計師的教你正確讀音,發音老師也有頂尖模特,像是EsmerColumbia University Press Homepage ... Columbia University Press News Welcome to our new website! If you have any comments or questions, please let us know. Our featured book this week is Stem Cell Dialogues: A Philosophical and Scientific Inquiry Into .....


FedExCup Standings, Rankings, Schedule 最近時裝週街拍報導,瘋狂的在各大雜誌與網站上持續發燒,當然我們也介紹過不少相關的資料與文章,不知道各位高手們有沒有發現裡頭有不少熟悉的亞洲面孔?這些時尚達人可是各個身段了得,不然是很難在被西方人占據的時尚圈闖蕩。今天我們要來介紹這五位在時尚圈呼風喚雨的狠腳色,他們可是我們精心挑選的 Street The official home of the FedExCup. Get up to the minute standings, rankings, and schedule for the FedExCup. ... Keep your eye on the ball. We'll keep an eye on your clubs. At FedEx, we love golf as much as we love shipping. As the FedExCup ® season unfold...


FIFA Women's World Cup - Official SiteMILK潮流誌069期找來以Cosplay動漫人物竄紅的林采緹拍攝本次MILK Girl專題,以「性感蛇姬」的形象被大家所認識,順利接下了遊戲代言、緊接著發唱片及主持節目,林采緹幾乎與「性感」一詞畫上等號,動漫人物的招牌動作也迅速成為大家津津樂道的話題;在演藝圈已經小有成績的林采緹卻跳脫一貫的性感形First awarded at the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany and chosen by the FIFA Technical Study Group, the ‘Hyundai Young Player Award’ will recognize the exceptional performances of players at the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015 who are born on or after ......
