[SOLVED] How to cut WMV without re-encoding? 現在要說在韓國什麼最熱門,那肯定就是仁川亞運會了。不管人家辦的好不好,有多少不盡如人意的地方,但是亮點還是有不少,比如性感的韓國禮儀小姐,還有比如說孫楊和朴泰桓的基萌友情。 不過要真想在韓國看漂亮姑娘,那還是最好等到夜幕降臨時候,在那些熱鬧的街頭就有著無數打扮性感時尚的姑娘開始逛街約會。 仁川雖然Hi! I have a 30 minutes wmv concert, out of which I wanted to get a 7 minute song. The problem I'm having is that all of the softwares I have tried until now don't just chop off the unwanted minutes, they seem to want to reencode the file altogether. My f...