How (and Why) To Cut Out Sugar | Healthy Eating, Naturally今天在NY Bagle工作剛剛恍神休息一下,沒想到聽到隔壁桌的對話滿臉坑疤阿宅 v.s 正妹輕熟女OL兩個人交換了名片後,就開始一連串無言的對談XD收錄如下~Part 1女:你玩遊戲嗎?男:玩阿,殺online女:那是啥?男:你不要走~~ (帶動作)女:囧......................I apologize, but I completely disagree with everything you said. Unless your Main goal behind this cut is for a disease you may have which sugar is very bad for you, or you are trying to be stick skinny…I just don’t see the need to hate on breads, and fru...