Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time (Extended Cut) - YouTube ▲你有這些東西嗎?(source:左:tumblr/右:lifebuzz,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 這年頭,腹肌似乎成為了女性對男性的一種審美標準,不僅女生這麼認為,男生更是深信此道理,但是事實真的是這樣嗎? 根據lifebuzz報導,其實比起腹肌,女生更喜歡擁有以下這5點特徵的For licensing and media inquiries: mike@cut.com We found three grandmas who had never smoked pot and gave them an opportunity to try it for the first time. Then we gave them snacks and had them play cards against humanity. Here's a link to the condensed v...