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Rapid Voice-Over Software for PowerPoint© |Speech-Over Professional風靡全球的一代女皇-Hello Kitty ,從出道到現在已經歷經40年之久,人氣始終不墜,推出的卡通、公仔、周邊商品不計其數,當然在世間打滾這麼久Hello Kitty 也陸續交了不少好朋友,像是日本潮流界的Milo君、海賊王裡的喬巴,並且也陸續跟好朋友們攜手推出更具特色的單品。 沒想到最近爆出HSpeech-Over narration software creates voice-over narration with the learning impact of a live presenter. Speech-Over does not just read the text on the PowerPoint slide. Using narration texts that are entered and stored off-screen, Speech-Over can speak ...
