Write a CV/curriculum vitae/resume (British style) in UK/Britain/England/London 已故的偉大女演員、時尚女星、慈善家,這就是奧黛麗赫本身前所遺留給世人的光芒。無論是在大螢幕上優雅娜姿的樣貌,或是在時尚雜誌封面耀眼奪目的裝扮,她總是能將自己特殊的氣質散發在所到之處,那種精美、優雅的氣質,並不是單靠表情、Pose 就能表現得出來的。 奧黛麗赫本身前的一張張照片,正能夠證明她的魅力,DESIGN How should I design the layout of my CV? There are many ways to design a CV. This section gives an example Always type your CV. Print your CV on good quality white paper. The paper size should be A4 (this is 21.0 cm wide and 29.7cm tall). Usually ....