cyber shot dsc rx1 : Sony DSC-RX1/B Cyber-shot Full-frame Digital Camera : Point And Shoot Digital Cameras :   老虎吃了他的孩子,最後他卻娶了老虎!!這理由讓我驚呆了!但好像很有道理…   肚子裡有了小孩就要負責呀!你們覺得呢?  博君一笑~^^ VIA  羽逸  本文來自life生活網 喜歡小編的文章嗎?^^ 還有這些想推薦給您喔! 數十World's first fixed lens 35mm camera. For a more in-depth look, check out the DSC-RX-1 brochure . From the Manufacturer A+ We've made the impossible possible. Once considered merely a dream is now a reality that can sit in the palm of your hand. Introduci...


Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech new   看到獵物了! 然後…終於意識到自己太胖不能再吃了…>   小松鼠都嚇到了! 豹感到有點糗 With a terrific lens and a great full-frame sensor, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 delivers the best photos we've seen from a fixed-lens camera. But that doesn't come ......


Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 Review: Digital Photography Review憑藉《爸爸去哪兒2》一夜爆紅的曹格,不僅成功塑造了好爸爸形象,還自認十分依賴老婆,坦承老婆吳速玲不僅是自己的造型師,其他大小事務都需要老婆在身邊。恩愛程度羨煞旁人,加上兒女聰穎可愛,不少網友都羨慕曹格是人生贏家。 日前曹格的北京演唱會上,姐姐Grace也在現場大爆曹格的糗事:演唱會現場播放的VCR中Review based on a production RX1 with firmware v.1.00 We were surprised (and delighted) when Sony decided to create the RX100 - its first compact camera for serious photographers, but that's nothing compared to our surprise when we were told about the RX1...


DSC-RX1 - Cyber-shot 數位相機 - Sony 台灣官方購物網站 - Sony Store, Online (Taiwan) 這張圖,90%的人最多看出三個字,色盲最多看出一個......智商120以上可以看到4個! 你可以看到幾個字呢?羽編看到3個喔!   看出來的人偷偷轉給你正在思念的人看看吧!!  羽逸  本文來自life生活網 喜歡小編的文章嗎?^^ 還有這些想推薦給您喔! 數十萬人三項先進技術,成就 RX1 的精采表現 Sony 為了追求最佳的畫質,採用大光圈 35mm 卡爾蔡司鏡頭及 35mm 全片幅影像感光元件,成像精準度超越可交換鏡頭式相機。鏡頭、感光元件及影像處理器的表現經過精密的調整,可完美相互搭配,其出色畫質超乎您對 ......


Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1: Digital Photography Review   這世界怎麼了? Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ... The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 is a full-frame compact...
