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PowerDVD Updates | CyberLink - Best Video Editing, Photo Editing, & Blu-ray Media Player | Cy我還記得那天... 是一個炎熱的午後 今天小考,所以比較早回家 回到家時,哥已經回來了 好像若有所思,在那發呆 (可能肚子餓吧) 哥,你肚子餓了吧?我去弄飯,等等就可以吃了.. (哥沒回我話) 我就往廚房去準備做菜 過了PowerDVD 13 Ultra is the World's No. 1 Blu-ray Player Software. Plays video, music and photo in HD & 3D with best entertainment experience. ... As the development phase of CyberLink PowerDVD 10 retail version has now ended, there will be no further Blu-ra...
