D and C: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia 圖片翻攝【失戀33天】 其實女孩都是嘴硬的傻丫頭,明明在心裡很愛很愛你但是卻從來不說。 如果你有一天你收到了一則訊息,是你的女孩傳來說,「親愛的我想你了!」也許粗心的你,會看過並且笑一笑,不給她回。 但是你知道嗎,你的女孩一直在看手機看你回了沒有。她真的好想看到「親愛的我也想你了!」D and C is a procedure to scrape and collect the tissue (endometrium) from inside the uterus. Dilation ("D") is a widening of the cervix to allow instruments into ... Description D and C, also called uterine scraping, may be performed in the hospital or i...