d chord

D CHORD - Guitar Chords 注意看,台灣的投籃機神技有上榜喔!   Like A Boss 網路遊戲用語,原本是形容那些神人級玩家,由於單人就可以單挑強大勢力或是高難度關卡,因此會被人家形容成像是大魔王一樣。 「Like A Boss!」如今被引申為形容「超屌」的人、事、物。   People are aChord finder, including split chords and chord variations. Also features standard and exotic guitar scales for lefthanded guitar. guitar chords guitar scales chord progressions glossary songs arpeggio misc. wap chord name reverse scales metronome forums t...


D Ukulele Chord - Ukulele Chords - King of charts   小時候練得可勤了咧XD D : triad (major) uke chord, played '2,2,2,0'. ... Fingering : [ The chord fingering shows you how to play a chord, i.e. which finger should be used on which string. Each number corresponds to a finger (1.index, 2.middle, 3.ring, 4.little finger)....
