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D-pad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有一位中國的大學生寫了一封信給知名的專欄作家連岳,問到為何日本的女人如此不知羞恥,竟然公開寬衣解帶,拍成人A片,故寫信向連岳請教,而連岳也回答了他的問題。 原文如下:-----連先生您好,我是一個大一學生,因農村出生,大學以前沒看過A片,肯定是沒機會接觸到,所以並不是不會看。而現在可以輕易的看到A片A D-pad (short for directional pad; also known as a Control Pad) is a flat, usually thumb-operated four-way directional control with one button on each point, found on nearly all modern video game console gamepads, game controllers, on the remote control ...


D-Pad - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Wikia 這是新浪博客蔣豐的博客所發表的文章,探討的內容是「日本AV界每年更新8成女優的背後」,由新浪網轉載,現在就來看看內容吧! 不少AV愛好者都會對某位女優情有獨鐘,不過讓他們只看一個女優的片子,幾乎是不可能的事。對於愛好者來說,形形色色的女優展現出的不同『風味』,才是對AV不離不棄的主要原因。 日本AFrom left to right Holders: Deck, Graveyard, and Extra Deck Zones The D-Pad (D (ディー) パッド Dī Paddo) or Duel Pad is a piece of Dueling equipment in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. It combines the functionality of a Duel Disk and a tablet computer. The term "D-Pad" is used...


Phi Alpha Delta - Official Site 相信這篇文章裡的圖片應該飽了不少女酸酸們的眼福,現在換我來給男酸酸們一些小福利,準備好接受美女圖連發吧!一起來看看日本男人們認為女生的5大性感動作有哪些吧~ 第五名、翹腳 翹腳之所以性感,就是在於美妙的長腿與股間構成的絕對領域,越是看不到,越是勾起人的好奇心阿!! 第四名、盯著你一直看 有誰能夠忍We're excited to announce some new P.A.D. merch! This set of two 13.5 oz rock glasses is now available on the online store for $25. Great as thank you gifts, for the ... New P.A.D. Benefit! P.A.D. members are offered a 25% discount on standard payroll ......


Xbox 360 Transforming D-Pad Controller Review - IGN 5月12日消息,中國歷史上比較有名的尼姑男色消費記載,見北魏楊炫之撰著的《洛陽伽藍記》。書中“瑤光寺”一節是這樣寫的:“瑤光寺,世宗宣武皇帝所立……椒房嬪御,學道之所,掖庭美人,並在其中。亦有名族處女,性愛道場,落髮辭親,來Lets face it, the Xbox 360 controller's d-pad has never been great, but Microsoft has finally come up with a solution; a new design allows players to have both a plus shaped d-pad and a disk, but does it actually work?...


D-Pad | A Blog about Games and Nerdom本文由 瘋設計 張兮兮 撰文 如果你擁有這樣一本筆記本,你會想在上面做什麼發揮呢?美國費城的藝術家 David Jablow 在收到這本老友贈送的古董筆記本後,就運用自己的才能與創意,在這 38 頁的繪圖本上,繪製出一張張令人驚艷的作品! When a major fantasy series reaches its conclusion, the viewer is often left with a feeling of optimism. The foes have been vanquished, evil is defeated, and our heroes finally have peace. But what happens when that fantasy series is so popular that viewe...


Art in the 1980s: The Forgotten History of PAD/D 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 先說說看到這系列圖片感覺是?不瞞你說,連我都著實帶點驚世駭俗感,甚至還猶豫著該不該放上來呢!不過仔細一看才發現,名為“In Pieces”的插畫作品,其實是超現實主義的漫畫書寫,甚至還被評論家拿來和同輩的西班牙插畫家 Joan Cornellà 互相比擬Clive Phillpot, who was director of the MoMA Library at the time and a former colleague of Lippard’s, named the archive “PAD,” an acronym for “Political Art Documentation” (the additional “D” for “Distribution” was added later at the behest of artist memb...
