王心凌 劉品言等人的初夜竟然被他們奪走...!我看了真的好生氣啊...!!!
Dallas News, Dallas Blog, Dallas Breaking News, What to Do in Dallas, Dallas Politics, Opinion and C 女星曝光自己私生活已不是怪事,只要能吸引到眼球,有啥說啥!這不,十大女星連自己初夜的秘密都藏不住了,不管是親口承認,還是言下暗示,反正讓人猜個八九不離十,這消息的確夠勁爆。 1.徐若瑄“初夜”第一次給了——吳奇隆。 若瑄15歲出道,與當1 comment Reel FX CEO Steve O'Brien at work, along witha couple of the star turkeys from the company's animated feature, Free Birds. (Photography by Elizabeth Lavin.) D CEO magazine raked in seven wins at an Editorial Excellence Awards event hosted by the...