全世界最色的國家竟然是... 太令人意外了 台灣居然也在前10名...
Proof (rapper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia美國《新聞週刊》(Newsweek)報導,根據一項統計的結果顯示,花最多錢在色情片上的為南韓人。 《新聞週刊》在6日報導,以2006年的統計為準,在各國當中,南韓人每年觀看色情片的開支為全球最高,以526.76美元奪冠,遙遙領先第二名的日本(156.75美元),是日本的日本(156.75DeShaun Dupree Holton (October 2, 1973 – April 11, 2006), better known by his stage name Proof, was an American rapper and actor from Detroit, Michigan. During his career, he was a member of the groups Goon Sqwad, 5 Elementz, Promatic, and most notably, D...