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Trusted ReviewsisCar!Volvo 旗下XC60 終於在歷經九年產品週期後,於今年日內瓦車展推出全新第二代車型,並依循品牌新世代語彙設計打造,同時也將核心識別「雷神之鎚」LED日行燈運用其中,成為旗艦 90 車系後,第三個獲得新世代科技加持的車系。而 XC60 準確的級距定位以及出色的產品競爭力,一舉成為品牌旗An attractive mainstream netbook at a knockout price. ... As its name suggests, the D260 is Acer's current-generation sequel to the company's unfortunate D150, a netbook that was only distinguishable by its rather unattractive design....


Acer Aspire One D260-23797 review - CNET - Product reviews, how-tos, deals and the latest tech news isCar!Porsche旗下雙門跑車911是當前最受到歡迎的雙門跑車之一,依照等級、動力的不同,發展出相當豐富的車系陣容,其中以自然進氣作為最高原則的GT3,更是因為有著輕量化特性,以及相對純粹的駕馭特質,而成為車系中的指標性車款。而在日內瓦車展的舞台,Porsche跟隨車系腳步推出中期小改款車型The Aspire One line of Netbooks has long been a bright spot in Acer's laptop lineup, thanks to the company's firm commitment to rock-bottom prices and decent, if unexciting, design and construction. The latest version, called the Acer Aspire One D260-2379...


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