【情人節特別獻禮】將浪漫濃情化身優雅信物 悄悄擄獲她的心
Chess openings: Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical (D27) 情人節前夕,伯爵(PIAGET)為每一對甜蜜的戀人們推出了優雅瑰麗的珠寶系列,讓空氣中瀰漫浪漫氣氛。這一次,伯爵以最引以為傲的頂級工藝,將彼此的濃情蜜意化作繁開玫瑰,綻放在戀人最動人的舉手投足之間。 PIAGET POSSESSION 以戀人擁抱的相互圓形為概念,Possession系列舞蹈出珠寶May-01-04 chessplayermatthew: why is the popularety so high on this Sep-02-04 krullichka: Im having some problems playing d27 with white. I played about 100 games against Fritz 8 and I won only once and draw about 10 times. I studied Gligoric and Botvinik...