BMW X7明年發表,預計將導入HYBRID油電動力
D2S, D4S, D2R, are they all the same??? - Club Lexus Forums BMW 將推出大型7人座的X7車款,據傳這台將把Range Rover與GLS設定為同級距的高級休旅車將於一年內正式發表,外媒消息指出,BMW X7 的市售版車型預計將在今年底開始上路測試,而這台全新7人座高級休旅車型,預估將於2018年正式發表。 目前預估除了6缸、或D2S, D4S, D2R, are they all the same??? Lighting ... I'm so happy to see someone who actually took the time to find this out!! Now that you've come this far, let me fill you in on some details....