20個身體知識,不說你不知道,說了你又不信 6人類的血型高達29種型
Nikon D300S vs D7000 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort 如題,這話可不是亂說的,不信你來看看,下面這些知識你知道幾個? 1.每個人舌頭的印記(或者叫「舌紋」)是獨一無二的 2.一根頭髮就可以懸掛蘋果,不過科學家沒有說明蘋果的大小 3.人嘴裡細菌的數量比地球上的總人數還多 i don't think it is fair to say that the D300s is the same as the D3100, there are obvious differences in the D3100, D5100, D7000 and the D300s such as megapixel count, sensor, build quality, etc. also, the ISO performance of a D7000 is better than the D3...