d300s vs d7000 iso

Nikon D300S vs D7000 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort 說也不是不說也不是,真是難抉擇說了搞不好會被誤會不說又感覺怪怪的算了,這時候還是先去把燈關掉好了i don't think it is fair to say that the D300s is the same as the D3100, there are obvious differences in the D3100, D5100, D7000 and the D300s such as megapixel count, sensor, build quality, etc. also, the ISO performance of a D7000 is better than the D3...


Flickr: Discussing D300s vs D7000 high ISO performance in Nikon D300s Users Group 你看你!鼻血四濺~看到亮點的自己去面壁!D300s vs D7000 high ISO performance pantheratigris9 [deleted] says: I'm tied between getting a new D7000 or a used D300s (for about $500 less). Primarily a wildlife/bird shooter and now using a D80 so looking forward to a camera that will give me signific...


Nikon D7000 vs Nikon D300s - Radiant Lite Photography — Digital photography guide, news and 把本人的特色都表現出來了這些畫家真厲害!Upgrading from D90 to D7000 for the ISO 6400 that the D300s does not have. One f stop in low stadium light means being able to freeze that soccer ball that the D300s cannot. Yes, burst mode is slightly better, 8 vs 6 for sports, but not significantly impo...


Nikon D300 vs D7000 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort 神之物 我們必須這樣膜拜著! @@Saw a 84C20 throw his Nikon D300s under a moving LAV because it had sand in it. Just about anything would get sand in it ... ISO is better on the d7000, but that advantage would be negated with good fast glass, and they ALL suffer at ISO 1600 and above. G...
