來自乳摸消息:Nikon D600(入塵)使用者換新的D610(花小小費用?免費?) (第2頁) - Nikon單眼相機 - Mobile01【editor_ MURPHY, R.ONE photo_ ORANGE,MORRISON】 所有潮流學子們注意!雖然知道你們很不想面對,但是9月開學季又要來囉!COOL編們秉持著「開學就是要穿得帥啊,不然要幹嘛呢」的精神,特地幫大家開了一堂聰明購物、輕鬆變潮的潮流學分必修課!同學們還不消息來源 Numor Nikon 原文 : Since the Nikon D610 was an... ... Since the Nikon D610 was announced as the solution for the oil/dust issue present on many D600 cameras, I have received several reports from readers (mainly from Europe) who were able to get a ......