Daneson - 生活的品味,就從細節開始
Headphone Amp+DAC vs Onboard Op-Amp? - Sound - Audio 【加拿大療癒系口味牙籤,品味你生活中不曾體會過的確幸】 Daneson 選用了多種天然香精油浸漬北美高級白樺木製成口味牙籤,無論哪一種口味都是 Daneson 與食品科學家精心研製,經過加拿大食品安全局認可:No. 7 肉桂及 No. 9 薄荷最適合用來提神及保持口氣清新;No. 8 海鹽淡淡的海It is only slightly cleaner sounding... The only reason I invested in the Amp+Dac was to get it louder. when connected to my mobo, they sound almost the exact same. I get very little noise from my mobo's op-amp. I have used the amp for a few days now and ...