daniel powter bad day 歌詞

丹尼爾( Daniel Powter )Bad Day 歌詞 - 歌詞帝國   玩到這個版本的超級瑪莉,應該會很無言!Bad Day Where is the moment we needed the mostYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostThey tell me your blue skies fade to greyThey tell me your p ... 丹尼爾( Daniel Powter ) Bad Day 歌詞 Where is the moment we needed the most You kick up the ......


Bad Day(壞天氣) 歌詞 Daniel Powter(丹尼爾) ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網Daniel Powter(丹尼爾) Bad Day(壞天氣) Where is the moment we needed the most 當你最需要好運的時候 它在哪裡? You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost 你無耐地踢起了地上的落葉 所有的魔力都消失了 They tell me your blue skies fade to gray 他們告訴我 ......


Daniel Powter-Bad Day (lyrics) - YouTube   參見大王! 眾卿平身!There are some parts tht have bad timing(sorry for tht!) I worked really hard on this and I hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for helping me reach 1,000,000 views! :D 1/20/11: 8,273,611 views... OMG!...


Daniel Powter - Bad Day Lyrics   波動拳!!!!!!!!!!! 以後都這樣哄孩子睡覺就好啦!Lyrics taken from http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/daniel_powter/bad_day.html Explanations new To explain lyrics, select line or word and click "Explain". Meanings Share Link: Embed: Email Translate Print Tweet Like Tweet +1 amy_switzer2 Correct | Repor...
