Danny Choo - Culture Japan - Your portal to Japan 身為「惡棍英雄:死侍」電影主角-萊恩雷諾斯Ryan Reynolds特地來台灣為電影造勢,現身電影首映會更是引發影迷瘋狂,造成前所未有的轟動。劇中飾演惡棍英雄的他,現場親和力十足,不論影迷的要求,自拍、簽名、握手,皆紛紛滿足影迷的願望,讓整個記者會的氣氛沸騰到最高點。 曾獲得美國《時人雜誌Peopif I remember correctly, Danny was talking about the robotic version of Mirai costing around $900 I did not think it was realistic ... i was expecting the cost for the original 60cm version to be in the $1500 price range and yes ... since he went to a 120...