Danny Choo - Culture Japan - Your portal to Japan倫敦杜莎夫人蠟像館近日新增了一些讓人們驚訝的超級英雄,它們多為電影中可以飛躍摩天大樓,又能將壞人撕成碎片的角色,即綠巨人、鋼鐵俠、蜘蛛俠和金剛狼等。倫敦杜莎夫人蠟像館近日新增了一些讓人們驚訝的超級英雄,它們多為電影中可以飛躍摩天大樓,又能將壞人撕成碎片的角色,即綠巨人、鋼鐵俠、蜘蛛俠和金剛狼等。倫敦if I remember correctly, Danny was talking about the robotic version of Mirai costing around $900 I did not think it was realistic ... i was expecting the cost for the original 60cm version to be in the $1500 price range and yes ... since he went to a 120...