datename sql

Determine SQL Server Date and Time with DATEPART and DATENAME Functions嚇死我了............ As with most applications and databases nowadays, our application retrieves data that has at least one date in the record. There are times when we need to return the name of day or retrieve the month or day from the data. What functions does SQL Ser...


Using SQL Server datetime functions GETDATE, DATENAME and DATEPART 其實這是用木頭做成的!!! 厲害吧~~遠看真得好像馬唷!!!!Use SQL Server T-SQL datetime functions to retrieve specific data. Learn how to use GETDATE, DATENAME and DATEPART in SQL SELECT to extract datetime values. ... Retrieving the current date and time One of the handiest datetime functions in T-SQL is ......


IsDate, Day, Month, Year and DateName DateTime functions in SQL Server Part 26 - YouTube天啊...快膜拜~!!!! C#, SQL Server, WCF, MVC and ASP .NET video tutorials for beginners In this video we will learn about built-in date and time functions in sql server, specifically IsDate, Day, Month, Year and DateName functions. Fi...
