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全文閱讀那些年...11 件迪士尼「教壞」我們的事!
A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision (2012) - YouTube你對迪士尼卡通的印象是什麼?是奇幻的冒險、浪漫的幻想、經典的主題曲,還是教我們善良和勇敢的故事內容呢? 難道你忘了那些迪士尼教壞我們的事?陪伴我們一起長大的迪士尼卡通,除了印象中的美好,竟然還有這些荒謬的劇情!15 件迪士尼教壞我們的事,顛覆你對迪士尼的印想! 1. 如果是真愛,不用等女人http://bit.ly/xITx1H - Watch and share "A Day Made of Glass 2," Corning's expanded vision for the future of glass technologies. This video continues the story of how highly engineered glass, with companion technologies, will help shape our world. "Corning...
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