day offs

eBay Daily Deals: Best Deals of the Day - Plus Free Shipping!女為悅己者容,近年來,越來越多的女性素顏就不上街,老皮的女性友人甚至還跟老皮說:『我不化妝走在東區,就像赤裸裸走在街上一般』。普通女孩都這樣了,更何況是得靠外表的女明星們,我們更是鮮少能看見她們素顏的樣貌,那些宅宅們視為女神的女星,卸妝後是否一樣有著動人的外表抑或讓人驚訝???   ▼AKEvery day we feature items from some of our trusted sellers who are offering deep discounts (usually between 20% and 90% off) and free shipping. The only catch is that we have limited quantities of these fixed-price items, and at these great prices, they ...


U.S. stocks close off lows in tough trading day - MarketWatch小朋友的童言童語最可愛了,相信大家都跟老皮有一樣的看法,父母們常常會被他們天真的言語,用的又好氣,又好笑,頓時怒氣全消。但是,如果當小朋友的童言童語令你毛骨悚然時...你又該如何面對??我們來看看,父母聽過最可怕的童言童語是.......   ▼爸爸,再見了! 我正在哄我的兒子睡覺,他對我Fed rate-hike speculation added to the pressure on already-stressed global markets. NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — The U.S. stock market staged a rebound on Tuesday but still ended the day lower, even after erasing steep opening losses sparked by China’s tighte...


Skull-A-Day 7個變態問題,答對4個算你變態1) 企鵝肉問題:一個女孩有一天給一個男孩做了一道菜,男孩吃完了,但是覺得味道怪怪的,於是他問那女孩,這是什麼肉啊?女孩說,這是企鵝肉,男孩沉思了一會兒......痛哭了起來,自殺了,為什麼?2) 跳火車問題:一個人坐火車去鄰鎮看病,看完之後病全好了。回來的路上火車經This brand new hardcover features 260 full-color pages of all 365 creations from my original Skull-A-Day project. The book also includes a new foreword by Mütter Museum curator Anna Dhody and a history of the project, as well as new anecdotes and previous...


Darwin Day 韓國的整容技術在世界享譽盛名,所以,韓國的美女給大家的印像似​​乎都是“整”出來的,而且看電視劇的時候,大家會驚奇的發現這些女主角似乎都長得“差不多”。不過,韓國有些女明星,是真的天生麗質,沒有經過後天的“雕飾”。一起來看看這A global celebration of science and reason held on or around Feb. 12, the birthday anniversary of evolutionary biologist....
