日本網友票選~讓人好想重溫的懷舊街機 TOP10!
eBay Daily Deals: Best Deals of the Day - Plus Free Shipping!原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:KL 想當初電玩控小編還是高中生時(遠望 最愛跑的地方除了網咖,不外乎就是充滿街機的湯X熊 街機應該是6~7年級生的共同回憶 這次日本網站goo票選出來最想再次重溫1980~90年代的街機遊戲 來讓我們看看Every day we feature items from some of our trusted sellers who are offering deep discounts (usually between 20% and 90% off) and free shipping. The only catch is that we have limited quantities of these fixed-price items, and at these great prices, they ...