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Free Jokes of the Day Clean Funny Jokes via Email, Humor and好歹是門神!!就不能把我們弄的嚴肅一點嘛?! 1.兄弟...你的臉可以再好笑一點XD 2.這裡是哪兒?!我醒來就在這了... 3.這裡風大,還是先披著好了 4.賣萌?! 5.等這麼久新娘都不來捏... 6.什麼事這麼開心啊? 7.小獅子不乖,害媽媽擔心的臉都歪掉了 8.你好,要進來請先登記一下 9.Since 1995 been the number one full time, professionally-maintained, humorous joke site. Join in and share your favorite funnies. Now you can submit a ......


Xbox One with Kinect (Day One Edition) - Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Compu漂亮女孩做鬼臉之後,真的和瞬間毀容沒差啊...以下這幾位美女讓我們大跌眼鏡,有些不禁讓人驚歎:這真的是同一個人嗎?!!!快來票選一下你覺得反差最大的那位吧!XDDD~▼1號 ▼2號     ▼3號 ▼4號   ▼5號 ▼6號 ▼7號 ▼8號 ▼9號 ▼10號 ▼11號 Get more with Xbox One. Introducing Xbox One. Where the best games, multiplayer, and your favorite movies, music, sports and live TV come together in one place. Xbox One games look and feel incredibly real, with cinematic gameplay that rivals Hollywood. W...


Game Giveaway of the Day. Today: Goblin Defenders: Battles of Steel ‘n’ Wood有人問:公雞為什麼要過馬路? (要全部看完喔~每個都超好笑的~)   柏拉圖:「為了追求更高的善。」 亞里斯多德:「為了發揮潛能。」 維根斯坦(奧利地哲學家):「『穿過』的可能性被包含在『雞』跟『馬路』這兩個對象當中,而環境使得此一潛在可能性實現。」 愛因斯坦:「究竟是雞過馬路,或是馬路過Giveaway of the Day Software Library A vast software library that brings you the best software and most in-depth reviews. Our comprehensive search lets you find anything you ......

全文閱讀 World of Warcraft 60 Day Pre-Paid Time Card - PC/Mac: Video Games大家可以幫幫他嗎?好慘=( With the World of Warcraft Pre-Paid Game Card you can continue your epic quest for 60 days without a credit card. Follow the instructions at and be up and running in minutes. The World of Warcraft Game Card is a perfect gi...


Giveaway of the Day - Official Site窮光蛋 最佳解釋!   iPhone Giveaway of the Day Davey's Mystery Out of the blue a man unknown to you has left you his entire secluded estate. Having nothing but a key and your curiosity you set out to investigate the home of this man named Davey. In the format... Aqueduct...


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