比【孫中山】強兩倍的 名字
Personal Banking, Personal Finance, Personal Loans | DBS Bank Singapore一對姓孫的夫妻,老來得子, 作丈夫的看到妻子幫他生了一個白白胖胖的男嬰, 激動的熱淚盈眶。 老先生一把抱起才剛剛出生的小嬰兒, 一臉驕傲的對他說:「孩子,我要你將來比國父孫中山先生還要強兩倍!」 於是這夫妻倆就幫他們的兒子取了一個很響亮的名字,&nbDBS Personal Banking provides a variety of personal finance products like deposits, investments, insurance, personal loans, refinance and online banking services. ... DBS is honoured to be recognised as the Bank of the Year, Asia by The Banker, a member o...