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Jinx (DC Comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia via 為什麼總是會有這種女生,總是要到失去後才知道有多依賴,這又有什麼用?當初追你的時候就是把他當工具人當備胎,等到工具人不見了或備胎破掉了,需要的時候才在那邊說我好愛你…… 原PO:她.是我從大一開始追了快兩年的女孩我跟她告白三次.她總是說:「我很好.值得更好的女生Jinx is a fictional comic book supervillain and member of the Fearsome Five, appearing in books published by DC Comics universe. Created by Marv Wolfman and Chuck Patton, she first appeared in Tales of the Teen Titans #56 (August 1985). This character bea...
