DC motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲氣象主播嬌森因為胸部太大被觀眾投訴。(圖/翻攝自紐約時報) 在電視上把巨乳「露出來」有罪,這個大家都知道,不過美國資深氣象主播嬌森(Julya Johnson)則是連「包起來」的巨乳都得罪人,有自稱是忠實觀眾的讀者寫信投訴她,要求她「可以請你換穿其他衣服嗎?可以不要這樣把胸部包緊緊嗎?」 《紐約A DC motor relies on the fact that like magnet poles repel and unlike magnetic poles attract each other. A coil of wire with a current running through it generates an electromagnetic field aligned with the center of the coil. By switching the current on o...