免開刀 免住院可讓生殖器變大....
Amazon.com : Kinamax AC Adapter/Charger for Sony DCR-SR47, SR65, SR67, SR85, DCR-SR87, DCR-SR220, DC這是之前真實事件的一個 "詐騙案"台中縣一名吳姓男子看到報紙廣告,聲稱免開刀、免住院可讓生殖器「變大」,便匯款購買,結果貨到拆封竟是個xxx,他認為自己受騙,一狀告到縣府消費者服務中心,透過協調依消保法買賣未達七天可解除契約,才得以退貨還錢。縣府消保官黃xx說,這名吳姓男子日前至縣府消費者服務中心申This AC Adapter has a lightweight and slim design making it convenient to power your camcorder from any power-strip or outlet. It is designed to supply uninterrupted power to your camcorder from an AC power source, allowing ease of use when using the camc...