dde server

What is a DDE server, where did the technology come from ?天底下最絕情的分手方式~~鑰匙、戒指、秘語鍵盤!Looking for DDE Servers to Connect to Industrial Equipment? Check out our two most popular industrial connectivity products: TOP Server (100+ Drivers) OmniServer for barcode readers, weigh scales, printers, etc) Do you have old DDE Servers and want conver...


動態資料交換 (DDE) - Sharp Point System義大世界入口!?備註 不支援OpenOffice SP指令: SERVER|TOPIC!ITEM SERVER = sptrader ITEM = sp + 產品代碼 Price Line是一個包括了更新時間、產品名稱、買入價、賣出價等資料的陣列。 SPTrader R8.482 或以上方可支援Multi-chart...


關於 Excel DDE Tick 資料變更事件的處理 | Kenmingの鮮思維原來如此!!!下次我要念「六字大明咒:我要換大杯的」,耶~以後就有大杯的喝了!! XDD透過看盤軟體來接收即時性的報價資料,最便利的工具莫過於 Excel 了。 諸多交易人幾乎是利用 Excel 透過 DDE 連結方式來取得報價資料並自行撰寫程式 (如 VBA) 來分析處理。而事實上, DDE 是一種老舊的傳輸規格 (Microsoft 已制定了 RTD 規格, Real Time Data,...


How to Troubleshoot a 'DDE Server Error' | eHow同學們,營養午餐要吃光光才會長的肥美.....不對,應該是身體才會健康喔~Dynamic Data Exchange server errors imply something is preventing two programs or services from communicating. The DDE server error troubleshooting process involves identifying where the inter-program communication is breaking down and removing said commu...


Adobe Reader Can't Find the DDE Server | eHow我被綁架了......Adobe Reader is the "reader" part of software from Adobe Systems meant to handle portable document format files. The PDF file format creates a fixed image of a document and presents it much like the page of a book. The unique layout of these documents req...


(Solved) - Adobe won't connect to a DDE server « How-To Geek Forums誰敢吃XDDDWill do - I went into Adobe sites but couldn't do anything as can't uninstall for a start but will try proceedure again & anything else site suggests. If nothing works, I appreciate your replies & will take it to a service person. Thanks Warlock...
