扣關千匹概念賽車McLaren P1 GTR
ddr3 1600 vs ddr3 1333 - DDR3 - Memory - Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews 1000hp最大馬力 賽道級空力及輕量工程 專屬駕駛訓練課程 國外上市時間 2015年 國外售價 198萬英鎊 以成為賽道上的最佳操駕車款為目標的P1 GTR,在圓石灘車展中以設計概念車的身份登場,雖然是從道路版P1延伸而來,但經過調校之後,搭載的3.8升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎配合電動馬達,可榨出高達im planning to get a core i7 920 and x58 msi mobo in 1 month, but im not sure what ram to get, i know the ddr3 1600 is more expensive, but is it really that much better than the 1333, and do the numbers after it matter, like the 10666 or the 10600, im con...