What is the difference between the terms “DDU and DDP” | Letter of Credit Forum某醫學院學生正在上病理課程... 病理學課上到一半,大家照常睡覺的睡覺,看書的看書 老師看了看,話也不說,忽然發了一份「各種性病的課前講義」, 學生們也沒當 一回事扔在書包的一邊,當計算紙的當計算紙,包便當的包便當 .... 直到最後一堂課下課前,這Hi, I need some help with this myself and im glad i think ive found you people who can help! Ive been asked if my company can export to russia on a DDU basis now rather than the current CIP to airport. Do we as the exporter need to pay for the expensive ....