What is the difference between the terms “DDU and DDP” | Letter of Credit Forum 生活中大多數女性如廁都離不開衛生紙,然而,前陣子有流言認為這恰恰是導致婦科疾病的潛在危險因素。因為現在很多衛生紙都是再造紙,其中帶有大量的細菌,過分頻繁地用紙巾擦拭,細菌很容易在陰道處停留並滋生,最好的辦法是小便後什麼都不用,每天換內褲就可以了。 其實,女性小便後,用合格的衛生紙正確擦拭不會導致婦Hi, I need some help with this myself and im glad i think ive found you people who can help! Ive been asked if my company can export to russia on a DDU basis now rather than the current CIP to airport. Do we as the exporter need to pay for the expensive ....