Defiance | Watch the Show, Play the Game, Change the World 漂亮女孩做鬼臉之後,真的和瞬間毀容沒差啊...以下這幾位美女讓我們大跌眼鏡,有些不禁讓人驚歎:這真的是同一個人嗎?!!!快來票選一下你覺得反差最大的那位吧!XDDD~看完這些我真的覺得太兇殘了!!! In Defiance, the massive third-person shooter video game and TV show from Trion and Syfy, humans and Votans fight for survival on a transformed Earth. ... Watch Inside Defiance The cast and showrunner give you their take on each episode. Alcatraz Update i...