WPF XAML Overview一位年輕人坐上公車,他那顆頭怒髮衝冠、五顏六色,衣著破碎襤褸,短褲赤腳,鼻洞、肚臍洞穿戴著珠寶,外加大型羽毛的耳環。他坐在位置上,發現對面有一位老先生目不轉睛的看著他,年輕人不耐煩的叫道:「看什麼看?老頭!你年輕時沒瘋過啊?」「當然有,」老先生毫不遲疑的回答:「我年輕時在海軍,有一晚在新加坡喝得爛醉The syntax rules for XAML is almost similar to XML. If you look at an XAML document, then you will notice that it is actually a valid XML file, but an XML file is not necessarily an XAML file. It is because in XML, the value of the attributes must be a st...