definition of fever in adults

Fever - definition of Fever by Medical dictionary一早被自己煎的蛋嚇到,響應 halloween 萬聖節 !!Fever Definition A fever is any body temperature elevation over 100 F (37.8 C). Description A healthy person's body temperature fluctuates between 97 F (36.1 C) and 100 F (37.8 C), with the average being 98.6 F (37 C). The body maintains stability within ...


pain - definition of pain by Medical dictionary一個乞丐敲敲車窗說:給我點錢.先生看了下,說:給你抽支菸吧.乞丐說:我不抽煙,給我點錢.先生說:我車上有啤酒,給你喝瓶酒吧.乞丐說:我不喝酒,給我點錢.先生說:那這樣,我帶你到麻將館,我出錢,你來賭,贏了是你的.乞丐說:我不賭錢,給我點錢.先生說:我帶你去桑拿房享受“一條龍服務&rdquPain Definition Pain is an unpleasant feeling that is conveyed to the brain by sensory neurons. The discomfort signals actual or potential injury to the body. However, pain is more than a sensation, or the physical awareness of pain; it also includes perc...


Fever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia這...這也太貼切了吧... 唉...男人啊.................Fever (also known as pyrexia[1] or a febrile response) is defined as a body temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the temperature regulatory set-point. There is not a single agreed upon upper limit for normal temperature with sources us...


CDC - Arthritis - Basics - Definition - Childhood Arthritis這間書店只差沒有插三支香,拜鮮花素果了,滿滿的遺照在對你笑 I. Background There is much disagreement among experts about definitions of childhood arthritis. At least three clinical classification schemes exist—juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA), and juvenile idiopathic arthritis ...


Valley fever: An incurable illness in the dust - BBC News麥香雞....快來嘗嘗 .... !! 覺得有笑點的朋友... 請按讚!!After 18 years in Avenal, teaching at the adult education centre, 70-year-old Jim says he is lucky to have escaped the fate that befell his children, but he gets tested every year. "It's always a source of fear. Is this lot of dust that I'm breathing in g...
