What exactly is a degree of freedom with a t-test? 精靈,是一種出現在歐美幻想作品中的生物, 他們纖細、美好、矯健、優雅....可惜並不存在。 然而, 在阿根廷,有這麼一位25歲的年輕人,堅信自己就是『 半人半精靈』的生物.... 現在,他正在變精靈的道路上,一去不復返.... Luis Padron是一個住在阿根廷布宜There is a formula for the t distribution which has a parameter r in it. r is called the degrees of freedom. See mathworld website for awful looking formula. As r -> 00 the t distribution approaches the normal z distribution. Testing a sample mean with a ...