Dell 2709W: Review - DigitalVersus - Reviews & News, TVs, LCD Monitors, Laptops... 香港港龍航空、國泰航空的空姐,日前頻遭“絲襪痴漢”拍攝穿絲襪的長腿照,並上傳網絡搭配淫穢的言語,成被“虛擬強姦”對象。一名資深空姐說,不少空姐為避免成為色狼意淫的對象,只好在完成飛行任務後,趕緊先換便服再回家。 這名“絲襪痴漢&rdquoIt's an excellent and very attractive product. Unfortunately, colors were not too accurate, such an input lag persists despite the same difficulties with the 2408WFP and the price is a bit exaggerated. ... The biggest disappointment of the 2709W is its po...