dell raid manager windows

Dell Community晚飯 -- 老婆自從做家庭主婦後精神鬱卒,脾氣很不爽有一天老公下班回來看見老婆在炒菜! 老公從後面摟著老婆溫柔的說 : 親愛的!今晚我們吃什麼? 老婆很兇的說 : 甲賽啦!老公很洩氣得拿著報紙去坐馬桶 .... 老婆心想 : 老公上班也辛苦,剛才的態度真不該! 於是 .... 就到浴室門口敲門 &nMay 27-28, Dell once again held its Annual Analyst Conference (DAAC) here in Austin, TX. From all the times I heard attendees using the words “enthusiasm”......


IntroducIng the dell SAS 6 FAmIly oF rAId controllerS我是個國中的國文老師 生平最痛苦的事情就是改作文 字醜就算了還會自己學倉頡創字 創字就算了還會用自己奇怪的邏輯寫句子 每次都改到哭笑不得 這次出的作文題目是「美食與我」 我非常沾沾自喜 相當期待這麼生活化又簡單的題目 一定能讓他們Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, May 2008. Copyright © 2008 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. DELL.COM/PowerSolutions 2 Speeds of up to 3 Gbps (half duplex) or 6 Gbps (full duplex) for each port Two internal x4 SAS connectors with four ports each, for a ...


A Dell PowerEdge Server, Windows 2003 x64, and the Battle Over SAS RAID Drivers美國最佳笑話:  兩個朋友在本地高爾夫球場打球。一個人把棒桿高高舉起,正要擊球,突然發現路上有一個長長的送葬隊伍。他放下棒桿,閉上眼睛,禱告起來。驚訝不已的朋友說:「這是我一輩子有幸看到的最感人至深的場面。你真是個名副其實的大善人!」   那個人結束禱告後答道:「是呀,要知道,我It seemed like a simple enough task – Install Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 on a Dell PowerEdge 2950 x64 server that is about a year old. The server contains three 500GB SATA drives plugged into an internal PERC 5/i SAS RAID controller. The server a...


Add a Disk to existing RAID 5 Array with Dell OMSA in Windows從前有一個人 在病房裡 病人得了重病 躺在病房裡都不能動 有一天他很無聊就按病房的緊急按鈕 就有一個護士來了 護士:怎麼了,怎麼了 那一個病人就說:我無聊沒事情按的 護士:你好無聊喔 病人:那你來陪我聊天 護士Question: I have a Dell PowerEdge 2950 Server with 3 x 250GB hard drives configured as RAID 5 array. There is only one virtual disk with two partitions - C: drive for Windows Server 2003 and D: drive for data. There are spare slots open to add drives. I w...


raid - definition of raid by The Free Dictionary給媽打電話 寢室剛裝上電話沒幾天,室友們就商議給對面的女生打電話,並決定由小王出馬。小王提起話筒,撥通了對面的電話:「喂,找哪位?」聲音是多麼的甜美,八成是靚妹,「我是,我。。。」正當小王回答時,一束耀眼的白光向我們照過來,原來是寢室管理員劉先生。「這麼晚了,還在做什麼?」小王慌張地邊放下話筒邊朝劉raid (rād) n. 1. A surprise attack by a small armed force. 2. A sudden forcible entry into a place by police: a raid on a gambling den. 3. An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables. 4. A predatory operation mounted...


PERC 5/i / PE2950 / RAID-5 w 2TB drives / Windows 2008 Issues - PowerEdge HDD/SCSI/RAID Forum - Serv【 PART 1 】 從前有個尼姑跟個屠夫是好鄰居,尼姑天天早上要起來念經,而屠夫天天要起來殺豬。 為了不耽誤他們早上的工作,於是約定互相叫對方起床,多年以後.... 尼姑與屠夫相繼去逝了 ,結果屠夫上了天堂, 而尼姑卻下地獄去了 !! 因為屠夫天天作善事,叫尼姑起來念Ok, I've got a problem. We have a PE2950 laying around and want to use it as a simple backup device. We purchased a bunch of 2TB drives, and then made a single RAID-5 ~9TB VD on the PERC 5/i the server uses. When we attempt to install Windows 2008 R2 ......
