小賈斯汀丟臉的 11 次 讓加拿大人蒙羞到希望他別再回國
Democracy at 4am : What unprecedented protest means for Taiwan. 你不大可能不認識小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber),這個已經變成全球共通的「闖禍精」代名詞的人,在他已經製造出這麼多精彩的事蹟時,同時他今年也才 20 歲而已,出生於加拿大,在 youtube 上翻唱歌曲被亞瑟小子相中,進而前往美國出片一鳴驚人,迅速走紅全世界,之後他長期居住美國,並拿到綠卡,← 4am.tw We Occupied the Parliament. We are students from Taiwan. We occupied the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan, peacefully and rationally, to defend our hard-earned democracy. Since March 19th, tens of thousands of citizens have joined us. It’s 4 AM in ......