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Self-Apposing STENTYS BMS and DES(P) stents for AMI and Bifurcation lesions - YouTube ●增加30hp馬力 ●0~100km/h加速時間縮短0.3秒 ●增加後輪轉向機制 時間回溯到2011年日內瓦車展,Ferrari發表創廠以來第一部4座、四輪傳動GT跑車:FF(Four Seats、Four-wheel Drive),可乘載4人又是四輪傳動設定,許多人都無法相信這是一部FerrarLearn about the new self-apposing® STENTYS stent technology for use in patients with AMI or bifurcation lesions. This video explains the sizing shortfalls of balloon-expandable stents in patients with AMI due to stent recoil, vasodilation and thrombus res...