Dev-C++ - Integrated Development Environment for C/C++ - Windows 8 Downloads愚人節的一個玩笑,卻走了樣! 蘇格蘭女子海蕾‧麥貝(Hayleigh Mcbay)1日愚人節時,發簡訊給男友, 提議分手,原本只是想作弄他, 沒想到男友竟然回說,「感謝上帝,好在是你先說出口。」 "讓海蕾驚訝大喊:「什麼!!?」。 以下為兩人對話內容: 女:我不想再跟你在一起了 女:我不快樂 男:感Dev-C++ - Integrated Development Environment for C/C++ - Windows 8 Downloads - Free Windows8 Download ... Dev-C++ is the portable version of Dev-C++. It has all the features that come with Dev-C++, but the difference is that you can directly run it from a...