developers community

Salesforce Developers | API Documentation, Developer Forums & More話說, 今天要說的主人公是她 Charlotte Guy,17歲,來自英國威根市,   她年輕漂亮,性格活潑,家庭和睦,有不少朋友,還有一個疼愛她的男友, 平日裡,她在St John Rigby大學學習醫療保健,前途也是一片光明…… 但是就是這樣一個可愛的女孩子#1 destination for learning to build mobile & enterprise applications in the cloud with the Salesforce1 Platform,, Heroku and ExactTarget Fuel ... I want to learn about: Everything to build social and mobile enterprise apps. Heroku1 Bu...


For Developers & Webmasters | Microsoft Translator能夠見到自己的偶像,還能和Ta一起合照是大多數粉絲的心愿吧, 而今天要說的妹子就是實現自己心愿的那個幸運兒...   這還得從去年十月說起... 妹子Damaris Fregoso,是一名來自加利福尼亞州的17歲高中生,也是美劇《怪奇物語》(Stanger Things)的超級迷妹。 &nThe Microsoft Translator web page widget allows you to bring real-time, in-place translation to your web site. The collaborative translation features combine automatic translation technology with the power of your community. Try the all new translator inv...


Welcome to xda-developers, a community founded for developers by developers. 照片里的這兩個人,男的叫Danny Rios,今年33歲,女的叫Nicole Carfagna,今年32歲。   這對美國的小情侶的事跡,最近被很多媒體紛紛報道了,因為這倆人,演繹了一段最真摯的愛戀。   Danny和Nicole的感情很好,自從在一起以後,他們就視彼此為相伴一XDA Community Forum - Android and Windows Mobile Developers - The Largest Community for Smartphone Hacks and Development of Apps ... Welcome to xda-developers, a community founded for developers by developers. We are a huge community of ......


MySQL :: Developer Zone 我懂你的付出, 也心疼你的辛苦。   男人的一天   早上六點,鬧鐘響了, 雖然很困,但你還是咬咬牙起來了, 而你老婆,翻了個身又睡了過去。       撿起散落滿地的衣服, 你打開冰箱、拿出食材, 開始準備全家人的早餐。    The MySQL 5.7.2 Milestone Release As promised, here is the belated post covering the MySQL 5.7.2 Milestone Release, released on September 21, 2013. You can find the full list of changes and bug fixes in the 5.7.2 Release Notes. Enjoy! InnoDB Read-Only ......


Google Developers 第90屆奧斯卡獎最近公布了提名,不過似乎人們對「政治」比對影片本身更感興趣。那麼,還不如來看看電影穿幫集錦更過(由新聞聚合類網站BuzzFeed整理)!   《勇敢的心》雖然是優秀的影片,不過這個場景里出現了汽車     《金髮尤物》這個路人女假裝喝水,水根本沒有噴出Sign in Products APIs, SDKs, guides, samples, documentation, and support Events Upcoming conferences, events, workshops, and shows Showcase Discover cool stuff that other developers have built Communities Local Google Developer Groups and meetups ......


Ubuntu Developer 從生殖崇拜說到長生不老說,瑜伽的起源有多種傳說。   瑜伽起源說   從5000年前的神秘傳承到21世紀的風靡世界,瑜伽走過悠久綿長的歲月;   從史前時代追求長生的貴族秘籍到現如今惠及大眾的時尚運動,瑜伽經歷了跌宕起伏的發展;   作為印度先賢取之自然、饋Applications Write gorgeous apps with stunning animated and fluid UIs. Choose native or HTML5 and get started with the Ubuntu SDK. Scopes Scopes open a window to a world of content to users. Learn how to make your own content stand out by writing scopes ....
