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Wiley: Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE - Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Dominic G圖片來源web option Silvia車系一直以來都被大量用在飄移上,也被讓人畫上了就是等於漂移的標籤,不過其實Silvia如果是跑Grip的實力卻是也不會太弱,這輛原本就是漂移設定的S13,在4年前更改為單圈計時的設定開始,從鈴鹿賽道為中心不斷的進步自己的秒數。 也因此在車輛的設定都是Learn how to employ JADE to build multi-agent systems! JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment framework) is a middleware for the development of applications, both in the mobile and fixed environment, based on the Peer-to-Peer intelligent autonomous agent approach....