Amazon.com : Lomography Diana F+ Medium Format Camera : Medium Format Film Cameras : Camera & Photo雙魚座的情感太過豐富連自己也無法控制,又是那種有什麼說什麼,快樂與生氣都會寫在臉上的直腸子個性。他們根本不知道怎樣去掩飾自己的情緒,尤其是失望的時候。所以在每次的戀愛中,不管他們大多想要保護自己,但就是會不知不覺中投入了太多的情感,終至無法自拔。Dating back to the early 1960's, the all-plastic Diana camera is a cult legend - famous for its its dreamy, radiant, and lo-fi images. The brand new DianaF+ is a faithful reproduction and a loving homage to the classic Diana - with a few new features toss...