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Diana (Scorn of the Moon) - Champions - League of Legends剛回國工作的強尼,有一天上班時,聽到主管說:「我去方便一下。」強尼滿臉疑惑,轉身看著小美,小美趕緊解釋:「這句話是去上廁所的意思。」當天下班時,主管走到強尼身邊,拍拍他的肩膀說:「今晚你如果方便的話,我請你吃頓飯!」只見強尼面有難色,尷尬的回答:「我……我方便的時候沒有吃Summoner statistics, abilities, build guides and store/skin details for Diana (Scorn of the Moon), league of legends champion. ... Join the world's largest MMO gaming network....


Diana Guides - League of Legends Champion Guides on LolKing6月2日 晴看著校園裡越來越多的光頭在閃亮,我心裡又不禁不住活泛了,說實話,從小到大除了剃滿月那次好像再沒讓腦袋見過光,所以,剃個光頭對我而言級具誘惑。剛進大學,好像應該酷一酷,狠狠心,我朝理髮店走去。裡面還有幾個人在等,老闆說:「這麼短的頭髮,理平頭嗎?」我說:「不,理光頭。」老闆笑起來,對其他人Complete build guides and strategies for the Diana LoL champion, updated daily and ranked by popularity. ... S4/S5 Challenger Irelia Guide 4K+ Games Experience Updated for ......


Diana Guides - League of Legends Champion Guides on LolKing阿輝的釣魚技術不太好,從早到晚,魚餌是不停的換,但還是沒釣上半條魚。 一直到天黑的時候,阿輝憤怒的丟下釣杆, 並且從口袋裡掏出許多零錢,狠狠的丟進池塘裡, 對著池子大喊:「你們這些挑食的魚!喜歡吃什麼自已去買好了啦!」某高中學校學生名叫戴隋同, 某日,訓導主任急著找他,便向全校廣播: 「高二同學,戴Complete build guides and strategies for the Diana LoL champion, updated daily and ranked by popularity....


Diana (Scorn of the Moon) - Champions - League of ... - LolKing在動物法院裡,獅子法官正在審三只鴨子。獅子問第一只:『你叫什麼名字啊?』花花:『我叫花花』獅子:『你為什麼被帶到這裡來啊?』花花:『我在游泳時打水泡玩。』獅子法官一想這並沒有什麼錯就讓它走了。獅子又問第二只:『你叫什麼名字啊?』毛毛:『我叫毛毛』獅子:『你為什麼被帶到這裡來啊?』毛毛:『我在游泳時打Summoner statistics, abilities, build guides and store/skin details for Diana (Scorn of the Moon), league of legends ......


They called me a heretic, now they are dead. - Diana ... - LolKing這一天,殯儀館送來了三個人,說也奇怪,他們死後的笑容都是^_^殯儀館管理員很納悶的問警察杯杯說:為什麼他們死後的臉竟然會是^_^警察就說:這說來話長.你看左一那個人.他是跟她老婆在共度春宵時.在最激情的那一刻受不了掛了管理員就回答說:願他死後.做鬼也風流.那中間那一個是怎麼死的?警察:中間那一個喔.All Guides Diana Guides They called me a heretic, now they are dead. ...... This isn't the case for Diana. Diana has great ......


[5.2 WiP] Jungle Diana, the AP hypercarry - Diana - Guide ... - LolKing唐僧師徒一行經歷九九八十一難終於見到了如來佛求取真經. 如來問:『你們帶U盤了麼』唐僧師徒。。。。如來又問:『移動硬盤呢』。。。。。如來繼續問:『IPOD也可以哇』悟空挖起耳朵來如來嘆了口氣:『那你們就原路回去吧,我用QQ傳給你們唐僧:靠,早知道加你QQ就完了,老子還走麼遠乾嘛.四人將要走的時候,佛Create & discover new Champion builds/strategies, check your Summoner statistics and try our powerful LoL charts....
