PO Dicing Tape, Pantech Tape ▲ 這種局怎麼能不揪?!(Source:#nightpool,下同。) 大家好,羊編又可以玩水了,目的其實是看妹看比丘尼(啊不是,是比基尼!),日本推出活動,讓夏日夜間也能享受美好的流汗運動,但沒想到這些美女來卻讓這個地方淪為打卡聖地,活動廠商當初的用心都泡湯了.... PanTech P O non-UV Dicing Tape is a series of dicing tape s for silicon wafer or LED module. It is made of extension-able PO film with acrylic adhesive. With appropriate selection of the tape, it can hold the cut pieces well during dicing ......