dictionary with pronunciation

Webster Dictionary with PRONUNCIATION and Sound! 1. 為什麼每一個學校以前都是個墳場/火葬場? 2. 為什麼我們這一屆總是班導帶的最差的一屆? 3. 為什麼食堂的阿姨手總是抖? 4. 為什麼無論被騙了多少次,我們都會相信那句“老師來了”? 5. 為什麼一開運動會就下雨? 6. 為什麼廁所隔間沒有門? 7. 為什麼老師說再Webster Dictionary with PRONUNCIATION and Sound! Fast, talking, crosslinked online websters dictionary with audible pronunciation and relevant quotes from books. Designed to help you become a better English speaker. Uses Webster, Wiktionary, and Wikipedia...


TheFreeDictionary.com - Official Site 「鱉」的潛能有多大?從底下這支影片我們可以了解到,動物在危急時刻,會展現無與倫比的能耐... 看完這個,你還相信「龜速」嗎?   延伸閱讀: 大哥,不要吃我!Online Dictionary - Multiple dictionaries including: English dictionary, medical dictionary, legal dictionary, financial dictionary, computer dictionary, thesaurus, dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations, dictionary of idioms, thesaurus, Columbia encycl...


Help - Cambridge Dictionaries Online - Cambridge Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus Help. User guide. See more at Cambridge Dictionaries Online ... On May 7th, citizens of the UK will be going to the polls (having an election) to decide who will form the next government. This kind of election is known as a general election....


pronunciation - definition of pronunciation by The Free Dictionary   九個頭條網訊本來一場高興,三五知己、若干朋友相約酒店開餐,誰知張三臨時爽約、李四堵在路上、王五吃飯玩手機、趙六假裝上廁所,最後只剩孫七掏腰包買單... ...於是,孫七再也無法忍受了!   1、剛洗完頭、洗完澡,精心打扮之後剛要出門,收到約會取消的短信或電話。  Father only left Paris after he had seen us what he calls comfortably settled here, and had informed Madame de Maisonrouge (the mistress of the establishment--the head of the "family") that he wished my French pronunciation especially attended to....


SpanishDict | English to Spanish Translation, Dictionary, Translator 提問:走遍美國50州的最快方法? 2012年夏天,在博客「12英里的圈圈」出了一個「帖子」,說的是如何利用Google 地圖在24小時內走遍盡量多的美國州。他們研究以後發現,最大數量是可以跑19~20個州。 如果你一天能走遍美國19~20個州,那麼走遍50個州需要多久呢?作者Stephen VonBidirectional Spanish and English dictionary with audio pronunciation of the words....


Dictionary and Thesaurus | Merriam-Webster 三百六十行,行行出狀元。每個行業都有自己的職業壓力,又有​​各種客觀風險。如今從事一些職業既有嚴重的心理壓力,也將面對強度極大的體力壓力,這些職業表面風光無限,其實背後辛酸無人知。     銀行:數錢數到手抽筋,沒有一張是自己的。     電商:上輩子暴殄天Free searchable dictionary and thesaurus, word games, a word of the day, and many other English language and vocabulary reference tools and resources....
