正妹主播「願賭服輸」直播送福利 曲線超誘人...沒想到老爸突然「闖進房」:這下尷尬了
Diesel Jeans, Clothing, Shoes & Accessories | Zappos.com ▲真的超正啊!(source: 卡提諾論壇,以下同) 本文授權自卡提諾論壇,請勿抄襲 原文標題:[奇趣見聞] 正妹主播打賭輸了「直播送上好康」!這曲線太誘人…沒想到老爸突然進來 糗大惹!(7P+影) 現在對岸直播真的很夯,女主播除了長得好看,還要懂得適時放The belt is very plain. Otherwise, it runs a little small. I wear a size 34 and I had to use the last notch, but it fits well. This belt works/looks best with blue jeans. If you don't wear jeans so much, skip it....